Poland, on the Brda river.- Panzer soldiers on German Panzer Is and Panzer IIs, along with a medium Schützenpanzer half-track Sd.Kfz. 251/3. The officer in the halftrack vehicle might be Heinz Guderian. The picture was taken circa 3 September 1939 [Date of release?]. Germany declared war on Poland on Friday, September 1, 1939, and attacked with massed motorized columns of armor, infantry, artillery and waves of bombers and fighters in what was dubbed the Blitzkrieg (“Lightning War”). On Sunday, two days later, while German troops continued to pour into Poland, France and Britain declared war on Germany and proceeded to launch no major military land operations in what came to be known as the Sitzkrieg (“Sitting War"), a play on the word Blitzkrieg.
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Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1976-071-36